Earl Nightingale Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Earl Nightingale on Wise Famous Quotes.
Your rewards, all the years of your life, will be in precise proportion to your service. You are here to serve others, just as they serve you.
The amount of money we receive will always be in direct ratio to the demand for what we do; our ability to do it; and the difficulty in replacing us.
You can measure opportunity with the same yardstick that measures the risk involved. They go together.
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become reality.
You can predict a person?s future and divine his bank balance if you know two things: the books he reads, the people he associates with.
Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; wherever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable.
We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must first become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become.
Every great accomplishment of mankind has been preceded by an extended period, often over many years, of concentrated effort.
Money is the harvest of our production and service. We in turn use it to obtain the production and service of others.
A good deal of frustration and unhappiness could be avoided if people would just do what they know they should do.
A success is anyone who is doing deliberately a worthy predetermined job, because that's what he decided to do ... deliberately.
The person with just one good idea is a thousand times better off than the person with no good ideas.
If you don't have a good model for success, just look at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite.
Visualization is the human being's vehicle to the future - good, bad, or indifferent. It's strictly in our control.
Successful people are not without problems. They're simply people who've learned to solve their problems.
Work never killed anyone. It's worry that does the damage. And the worry would disappear if we'd just settle down and do the work.
If a person will spend one hour a day on the same subject for five years, that person will be an expert on that subject.
Whenever we're afraid, it's because we don't know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid.
It is our attitude toward life that determines life's attitude toward us. We get back what we put out.
Preparation for life is so important. Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Opportunity is all around us. Are you prepared?
Real evils can be either cured or endured; it is only imaginary evils that make people anxiety-ridden for a lifetime.
You are responsible for how your life turns out, and your attitude shapes that life for better or worse.
There is a time when one must decide either to risk everything to fulfill one's dreams or sit for the rest of one's life in the backyard.
We are all creatures of habit. We can do most things without even thinking about them; our bodies take charge and do them for us.
Successful people form the habit of doing what failures don't like to do. They like the results they get by doing what they don't necessarily enjoy.
People don't have great attitudes because of great success, they have great success largely because of great attitudes.
Picture yourself in your minds eye as having already achieved this goal. See yourself doing the things you'll be doing when you've reached your goal.
If your attitude toward the world is good, you will obtain good results. If your attitude is excellent, excellent will your results.
If the average person realized the power he wields over his life and destiny, he would live in a perpetual state of wonder and thanksgiving.
It is in the expectations of happiness that much of happiness itself is found. And it takes courage to expect happiness.
Most people think they want more money than they really do, and they settle for a lot less than they could get
Problems are challenges to creative minds. Without problems, there would be little reason to think at all.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to live on this beautiful and astonishing planet Earth. In the morning, I wake up with a sense of gratitude.
If you'll begin to develop and maintain an attitude that says yes to life and the world, you'll be astonished at the changes you'll see.
Successful people are not people without problems. They are people who have learned to solve their problems.