Samantha Towle Quotes
Top 91 wise famous quotes and sayings by Samantha Towle
Samantha Towle Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Samantha Towle on Wise Famous Quotes.

I'll let you down, I know,
But I'll fix it too, because everything is you,
Everything is you.

most wanting to be the one to tame the untameable Jake Wethers.

And I totally fancy him.
No I don't.
Yes, I do.
No. I. Don't.
Ah fuck.

That didn't come out exactly as I'd planned, but it is the truth. I'm in love with you ...

It's always been you, Tru. Always.

"I fucking hope so, Firecracker. With the size of my junk, I'd worry if I wasn't.