Israel Horovitz Quotes
Top 24 wise famous quotes and sayings by Israel Horovitz
Israel Horovitz Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Israel Horovitz on Wise Famous Quotes.
My agent in London says all New York films are wonderful if they're really New York films because they're like travelogues.
I'm really into the irony of writing vaguely radical plays that instantly win huge establishment awards. It's really amusing.
People expect someone with the name 'Israel Horovitz' to be a little old man with sideburns carrying a Torah.
It's not unusual for people to like Florida in the winter. I'm not a great tourist. I like coming down to work.
L.A. is so focused on TV and film that theater is kind of an arcane sport. People look at you like you're doing something cute.
Gloucester's not some chi-chi tourist town. It's a working-class seaport: a no-kidding-around down-and-dirty place.
I have seen dozens upon dozens of productions of 'Lebensraum' in dozens of languages around the globe.