Frederick Espiritu Quotes
Top 12 wise famous quotes and sayings by Frederick Espiritu
Frederick Espiritu Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Frederick Espiritu on Wise Famous Quotes.
Don't measure how far still you've got to go, but how far you've already gone to get to the point where you are now.
Tear me apart for your view.
Open the window of my wounds.
To catch one glimpse of you
is worth a thousand cures.
Open the window of my wounds.
To catch one glimpse of you
is worth a thousand cures.
I've learned a hundred secrets,
a thousand mysteries
and a million more.
But of all the lessons I learned,
the greatest is love.
a thousand mysteries
and a million more.
But of all the lessons I learned,
the greatest is love.