Eleanor Catton Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Eleanor Catton
Eleanor Catton Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Eleanor Catton on Wise Famous Quotes.
The nice thing about the zodiac as a system is it is quite comprehensive as a range of impulses and psychological states it can speak about.
Reason is no match for desire: when desire is purely and powerfully felt, it becomes a kind of reason of its own.
An interesting thing about New Zealand, you know, literature is that it really didn't begin in any real sense until the 20th century.
Is the prestige conferred by the Man Booker prize for the book or me? I would prefer it on the book and for me to be treated ordinarily.
Never underestimate how extraordinarily difficult it is to understand a situation from another person's point of view.
His nature was not a suspicious one, and he did not take pleasure, as some men did, in believing himself to have been betrayed.
If a man wants any shot at making his fortune then he'll never sign his name to any piece of paper that he didn't write himself. P 553
The way that I see astrology is as a repository of thought and psychology. A system we've created as a culture as way to make things mean things.
I have always considered that there is a great deal of difference between keeping one's own secret, and keeping a secret for another soul;
A secret always has a strengthening effect upon a newborn friendship, as does the shared impression that an external figure is to blame:
Sometimes I'll read something on Twitter, and I'll just be in the darkest of moods for the rest of the day or the rest of the week sometimes.
I would draw a really sharp distinction between creating and producing. I think that they're very different things.
I have always loved reading books for children and young adults, particularly when those books are mysteries.
A little more than he bargained for, perhaps," said Dick Mannering. "It's always that - when it's the truth," replied Balfour.
He wondered what assumptions she was forming, what picture was emerging from this scant constellation of his life.
Round here, everybody's always talking about home,' said Balfour. 'Can't help but think that the pleasure's in the missing.
I think that you have to keep the reader front and centre if you're going to write something that people are going to love and be entertained by.
He spoke as a disappointed man, for whom perfection existed only as something remembered - and then regretted, because it was lost.
I wish to be able to call myself deserving of my lot,' Moody said carefully. 'Luck is by nature underserved.
Shepard's theory of law had roused his intelligence, and gratified it, and he again felt master of his faculties.
He ceased to be able to distinguish between personal preference and moral imperative, and he ceased to accept that such a distinction was possible.
I vote far-left. I am frequently angered by corporate greed and think education ought to be free and teachers paid well.
What was a coincidence, Moody thought, but a stilled moment in a sequence that had yet to be explained?
Crinoline was so wide that she parted the crowd wherever she walked, leaving an aisle of space behind her.
Long historical books get written by women, but not contemporary experiments, which still seems to be a very male-dominated field.
Moody had left all discerning faculties in the pitching belly of the barque Godspeed. He wanted only shelter, and solitude.
I've had countless reviews sort that have made me cry. It's funny, it doesn't ever get better either; you can't turn your ears off.
For human temperament was a volatile compound of perception and circumstance; Moody saw now that he could no more have
I can feel the public side of my life and the private side of my life sort of drifting away from one another.
His vanity required constant stimulation, and constant proof that the ongoing creation of his selfhood was a project that he himself controlled.
I think that's what fiction writing is actually all about. It's about trying to solve problems in creative ways.
Worked like a Trojan. That's one thing I'll say for the Chinese: when it comes to pure old-fashioned work, you can't fault them.
And the hermit's spirit detaches itself, ever so gently, and begins its lonely passage upward, to find its final resting place among the stars.
I think the adverb is a much-maligned part of speech. It's always accused of being oppressive, even tyrannical, when in fact it's so supple and sly.
But could he endure it, that other men knew her in a way that he, Staines, did not? He did not know.
He was indulgent toward the open spaces of other men's futures, but he was impatient with the shuttered quarters of their pasts.
I often feel intellectually frustrated when I'm in a position where I'm not moving forward; when I'm not enquiring about something.
His two great loves were hard work and hard work's reward - whiskey, when he could get it, and gin when he could not.
His own mortality held only an intellectual fascination for him, a dry luster; and, having no religion, he did not believe in ghosts.
The room seemed suddenly to clarify, as when a chance scatter of stars resolves into a constellation before the eye.
There was a computer in our garage when I was growing up, and I'd go out there in winter and wrap myself in a blanket and write a story.
Suffering, he thought later, could rob a man of his empathy, could turn him selfish, could make him depreciate all other sufferers.
He built his persona as a shield around his person, because he knew very well how little his person could withstand.
Months of silence had made him very bitter, and his bitterness had ripened, in an instant, into spite.
Love cannot be reduced to a catalogue of reasons why, and a catalogue of reasons cannot be put together into love.
He had known instinctively that it was always better to tell a partial truth with a willing aspect than to tell a perfect truth in a defensive way.
We observe that one of the great attributes of discretion is that it can mask ignorance of all the most common and lowly varieties, and
She was tried for trying to take her own life," Gascoigne said. "There's a symmetry in that, do you not think? Tried for trying.
At high school they expect answers, but at university all you're supposed to do is dispute the wording of the question.
Why, it almost makes one forgive the rain, does it not - when the sun comes out like this, at the end of it all.
Diligence deserves to be rewarded." "In what proportion? And in what currency? These are empty words.
You can't tell from looking at a man what he's capable of doing. And you certainly can't tell what he's done.
My father is an expatriate American; he fell in love with New Zealand in his youth and never went home.