Carrie Ryan Quotes
Top 77 wise famous quotes and sayings by Carrie Ryan
Carrie Ryan Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Carrie Ryan on Wise Famous Quotes.
The living used to wonder what happened after death. She said that whole religions were born and evolved around this one simple uncertainty.
As if she is lost in that picture, lost in the blur of water and sky and I am the only thing holding her firm.
Darkness grew where it would and took what it wanted. It staked its claim and never let go. And no one else could pry you free of it.
Would you leave your world for me?" he asks.
"I might." she tells him. She wonders how the world ever fell apart with this much love in it.
"I might." she tells him. She wonders how the world ever fell apart with this much love in it.
I want to raise my hand to his cheek. I want to tell him it's okay. That it's pretty here in my head and it doesn't hurt.
What if I don't know what I want?" I ask her, voicing the fear that rages through me. "What if I never know? What if I'm wrong?
Life is never that simple. And the fact that it's not that simple to you means only one thing: You're still alive.
how it can be that I have lost everything in my life but this journey. This hope that there is an end.
Broken things can be made whole again. Perhaps not as they were before, but maybe stronger this time.
I know in my life there have been breaches, but I also know that I am very good at blocking out the memories that serve me no purpose.
That's the thing about silences and futures; someone always comes along to fill them in. If you let them.
Is that all we have left? Is that all we are? Lights on a map that are slowly dying, hanging on for nothing?
She swears you can make it stop by forgiving and moving forward. I'm moving forward, but I'll never forgive.
We're the winners because we get to live. Because we get to survive. Despite the pain of this life, we get to feel.
It's not always about tomorrow and the day after that - what we achieve over the years and how we leave the world. Sometimes it's about today.
Afraid of the tangle of words twisting around my own tongue, I swallow and place my hand against the thick wood of the Barrier.
There is a world out there, out beyond us. And now we are part of this world. It is terrifying and wonderful
I realized that life isn't something to be scared of. That you don't have to hold on so tightly that you can't breathe.
Survivors aren't always the strongest; sometimes they're the smartest, but more often simply the luckiest.
The bodies. Oh God, the bodies. And the blood and the screams and the smell of it all, like overripe peaches stuffed with pennies.
You stay safe, You love. You survive. You laugh and cry and struggle and sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. You Push.
It's as if there is infinity between our lips and we will never actually touch. Like math, where dividing by half can last for eternity.
-you can think you know someone and then they say something or do something and suddenly everything changes.
If anything, revenge is the absence of emotion. It's pure, calculated thought stripped bare of entangling emotions. It's cold, deliberate action.
Rage is a powerful emotion, strong enough not just to burn away pain but also to sear back the whispering tendrils of fear.
Here, in the bustling stalls of the market, he's anonymous. And it's obvious how much he prefers it this way.
I will always need you," I whisper. "All of this time I've waited for you. And you were never coming for me. Why did you let me wait for you?
Ironically, by struggling so hard to circumvent the prophecy of his death at the hand of his son, Laius became instrumental in its coming to pass.
Because if you're basically a moron at something, it's better to be a private moron than a public one.
He stares at the two girls. Two broken bodies that moments before had been whole.
He did this. He helped to break the world.
He did this. He helped to break the world.
I think about how fragile we are here - like fish in a glass bowl with darkness pressing in on every side.
I stomp through the water in a tight circle, kicking against the salt spray, wanting to pull the world apart piece by piece.
Rollo the Walker. Who are you?"
"Dak," he answered. It seemed like Rollo expected more. "Uh, Dak the, er ... Cheese Eater?
"Dak," he answered. It seemed like Rollo expected more. "Uh, Dak the, er ... Cheese Eater?