Tea Obreht Quotes
Top 30 wise famous quotes and sayings by Tea Obreht
Tea Obreht Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Tea Obreht on Wise Famous Quotes.
At the end of the day, it's about the reader's attachment to and belief in the magical elements that make or break magical realism.
I felt my voice had fallen through and through me, and I couldn't summon it back to tell him or myself anything at all.
When you're in a place, the details you focus on are different than details you focus on when you're writing about it.
I started to feel that nagging sense of shame again, an acute awareness of my own inability to share in his [my grandfather's] optimism.
My mother always says that fear and pain are immediate, and that, when they're gone we're left with the concept, but not the true memory.
Years of fighting, andm before that, a lifetime on the cusp of it. Conflict we didn't understand ... had been at the center of everything.
My road to publishing actually came through a colleague who connected me to my agent, and the faculty at Cornell was very supportive.
It is as if, having stepped into a room, a man can no longer see the door through which he has come, and so cannot leave.
Grandfather recently died. He died alone on a trip away from home in a town where no one expected him to be