Steven Millhauser Quotes
Top 20 wise famous quotes and sayings by Steven Millhauser
Steven Millhauser Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Steven Millhauser on Wise Famous Quotes.
Perhaps sound is only an insanity of silence, a mad gibber of empty space grown fearful of listening to itself and hearing nothing.
His ambition was to insert his dreams into the world, and if they were the wrong dreams, then he would dream them in solitude.
Repetition for no reason is a sign of carelessness or pretentiousness, but there are plenty of good reasons to repeat words and phrases.
I longed for release from whatever it was I was. But whatever I was lay hard and immovable in me, like bone; I would never be free of my own weight.
I had thought that words were instruments of precision. Now I know that they devour the world, leaving nothing in its place.
The more the mouse pursues this line of of thought, the more it seems to him that the cat is a large, soft mouse.
I saw that I was in danger of becoming ordinary, and I understood that from now on I would have to be vigilant.
I expected no miracles; I wasn't young enough for dreams; I knew in my bones that I couldn't escape my troubles by changing the view from my window.
We are happy to be here, where the sky has always seemed a little bluer, the leaves a little greener, than in other towns we know.
If you read a story with an 'I' or a 'he' or a 'she,' you're in familiar territory - but 'we' is mostly unexplored. I think of 'we' as an adventure.
Do you believe that the actor on the stage is really a villain? Let me ask you something else. If he isn't a villain, then is he a liar?