Colors Fade Quotes
Collection of top 14 famous quotes about Colors Fade
Colors Fade Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Colors Fade quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
Human beings, Isao realized, could descend to communicating their feelings like dogs barking in the distance on a cold night.
— Yukio Mishima
As the saturating colors of sun-life fade from sight, the ominous moon reaches out its long arm and applies the dark dyes of night.
— Daniel J. Rice
Maybe one day the smears of paint Harley left throughout Godspeed will fade, and maybe the stars never will, but i'd rather have Harley's colors.
— Beth Revis
Doctors can do almost anything nowadays, can't they, unless they kill you while they're trying to cure you.
— Agatha Christie
I have a decision to go, but I am not sure to choose which other prison on the earth.
— Ali Rezavand Zayeri
I write to reach eternity
— James Jones
Error is sometimes so nearly allied to truth that it blends with it as imperceptibly as the colors of the rainbow fade into each other.
— William Benton Clulow
Things that matter in this life can not be bought. Friends, truth, and a passion for life.
— Chris Shays
Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure.
— Edward Thorndike
I don't think you should ever damage other people for your art.
— Carey Mulligan
I have remarked elsewhere that I regard the Almighty as not a bad novelist, except that He is a realist.
— John Barth