Dan Harris Quotes
Top 17 wise famous quotes and sayings by Dan Harris
Dan Harris Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Dan Harris on Wise Famous Quotes.
Much of our inner dialogue is this constant reaction to experience by a selfish, childish protagonist.
Your demons may have been ejected from the building, but they're out in the parking lot, doing push-ups.)
What mindfulness does is create some space in your head so you can, as the Buddhists say, "respond" rather than simply "react." In
If everything in this world was in constant decay, why expend so much energy gnashing my teeth over work?
There's actually a term for this - "hedonic adaptation." When good things happen, we bake them very quickly into our baseline expectations,
Overall, compassionate people tended to be healthier, happier, more popular, and more successful at work. Most
So if scientists come up with something that contradicts your beliefs, you will change your beliefs?" "Oh yes. Yes.
With uncontrived sincerity he said, "I want to know you." That was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me.