Charles Stross Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Charles Stross
Charles Stross Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Charles Stross on Wise Famous Quotes.
Clegg, Miliband, Farage resigning (rumours that they are to be the new Top Gear line-up cannot be confirmed at this time).
There's no briefing sheet on what to do when a supernatural soul-sucking horror disguised as a beautiful woman starts crying on your shoulder.
There's a faint popping noise, and the entire wall of the incident room shifts to the colour of the night sky above a Japanese city.
We shouldn't even be here, I think distantly as I raise my weapon and take aim, we're management, not heroes.
Identity is theft, don't trust anyone whose state vector hasn't forked for more than a gigasecond, change is the only constant, et bloody cetera.
I spent six hours becoming one with a shrubbery last night. There were three cloudbursts and a rain of small and very confused frogs
Never bring a knife to a gun fight, I tell Mr. Crispy as I turn away from him. His right arm thinks about it for a moment, then falls off.
The seeds of evil usually germinated in the footprints of people who knew how everybody else ought to behave and felt the need to tell them so.
I can get you a cheaper ticket if you let me amputate your legs: I can even take your thighs as a deposit, said the travel agent.
I drink tea pretty much continuously at a rate of around 1 imperial pint/hour, which sort of enforces screen/keyboard breaks.
the destiny of intelligent tool-using life was to be a stepping-stone in the evolution of corporate instruments.
I don't want to permanently damage myself! On the other hand, a couple of days off the keyboard tends to make things somewhat better.
Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again.
I don't have a license to kill, but I don't have orders not to kill in the course of my duties, either. Which realization I find extremely disturbing;
But, as Andy pointed out, if being a smart-arse was an offence, the Laundry would not exist in the first place.
Novels are one of the few remaining areas of narrative storytelling where one person does almost all of the creative heavy lifting.
I'd like to be proven wrong firstly on the difficulty of building a self-sustaining closed circuit ecosystem in space that can support human life.
There isn't very much of the little boy left in Oscar; he didn't get to his position without being able to keep it under very tight control.
Death is really no more than the voluntary liquidation of an economy of microscopic free agents, the redemption of the debt of structured life.
The informational density of the inner planets is visibly converging on Avogadro's number of bits per mole, one bit per atom,
Where would dictators be without our compliant amnesia? Make the collective lose its memory, you can conceal anything.
You can collar criminals until the cows come home, and there'll still be a never-ending supply of greedy fuckwits and chancers.
The problem with ebook filesharing is simply one of scale. But I think the "piracy" problem is massively over-rated.
When you stare into the void, the void stares also; but if you cast into the void, you get a type conversion error.
You know, if I tried to change the minds of everyone who I thought needed changing, I'd never have time to do anything else.
If an idea is compelling enough it'll stick in my head until I am forced to write it. If it's forgettable, who cares?
Twelve percent of all the photographs ever taken in human history have been taken in the last twelve months. And 40 percent of them are on Facebook.
What I read: while I'm writing, I tend to go off reading fiction for relaxation - especially the challenging stuff. It's too much like the day job.
Georgina darts forward, grabs my hand, and pumps it up and down while peering at my face as if she's wondering why water isn't gushing from my mouth.
The male ego is a curious thing. It's about the size of a small continent but it's extremely brittle.
I wasn't expecting a stealth, supersonic, vertical take-off submarine fueled by the eerily whistling ghosts of necromantically murdered dolphins.
What you or I would recognize as an alien invasion by tentacled horrors from beyond spacetime Angleton would see as a teachable moment.
That was what we call in the trade an Unscheduled Reality Excursion, usually abbreviated to 'Oh fuck.'
We are Bay Aryans from Berkeley: prepare to be reengineered in an attractive range of color schemes for your safety and comfort!
Like I said: the only god I believe in is coming back. And when he arrives, I'll be waiting with a shotgun.
You'll still get guys with an array of badges to demonstrate their importance, but that just excludes people. I think fandom is more inclusive now.
The late 90s were crazy science-fictional if you were inside the superheated steam bubble of the dot-com 1.0 industry.
To boldly go where no uploaded metahuman colony has gone before' has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?
While writing a novel I almost completely stop reading books in the same sub-genre for the duration.
you young ones . . ." 'Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country has ever done for you?
I began my first novel when I was 15. It went through three drafts, of around 40,000 words each. If I find it, I'll burn it.
They're nuts. Completely insane! I don't get this gambling thing. Didn't these people study statistics at university? Evidently not
Any civilization where the main symbol of religious veneration is a tool of execution is a bad place to have children.
I was an early adopter: have been on the internet continuously since late 1989, barring a six-month loss of access in the early 90s.
One ape's hallucination is another ape's religious experience - it just depends on which one's god module is overactive at the time.