Warren G. Bennis Quotes
Top 51 wise famous quotes and sayings by Warren G. Bennis
Warren G. Bennis Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Warren G. Bennis on Wise Famous Quotes.
Just as no great painting has ever been created by a committee, no great vision has ever emerged from the herd.
If I had to reduce the responsibilities of a good follower to a single rule, it would be to speak truth to power.
The learning person looks forward to failure or mistakes. The worst problem in leadership is basically early success.
Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attributes. First and foremost is character
What job is worth the enormous psychic cost of following a leader who values loyalty in the narrowest sense.
In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.
More leaders have been made by accident, circumstance, sheer grit, or will than have been made by all the leadership courses put together.
Our tendency to create heroes rarely jibes with the reality that most nontrivial problems require collective solutions.
The new leader is one who commits people to action, who converts followers into leaders, and who may convert leaders into agents of change.
Leadership is the wise use of power. Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it.
A leader is someone whose actions have the most profound consequences on other people's lives, for better or worse, sometime forever and ever.
Once you recognize, or admit, that your primary goal is to fully express yourself, you will find the means to achieve the rest of your goals ...
A new leader has to be able to change an organization that is dreamless, soulless and visionless ... someone's got to make a wake up call.
Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream.
People who know what they want and why they want it, and have the skills to communicate that to others in a way that gains support
You are your own raw material. When you know what you consist of and what you want to make of it, then you can invent yourself.
Listening to the inner voice - trusting the inner voice - is one of the most important lessons of leadership.
Learning to be an effective leader is no different than learning to be an effective person. And that's the hard part
The ability to plan for what has not yet happened, for a future that has only been imagined, is one of the hallmarks of leadership.
If I were to give off-the-cuff advice to anyone trying to institute change, I would say, "How clear is the metaphor?"
The basis of leadership is the capacity of the leader to change the mindset, the framework of the other person.
Taking charge of your own learning is a part of taking charge of your life, which is the sine qua non in becoming an integrated person.
Leaders learn by leading, and they learn bestby leading in the face of obstacles. As weather shapes mountains, problems shape leaders.
To be authentic is literally to be your own author, to discover your own native energies and desires, and then to find your own way of acting on them.