Tariq Ramadan Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Tariq Ramadan
Tariq Ramadan Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Tariq Ramadan on Wise Famous Quotes.
Integration is a word of the past, the word of the future and the word of the present is contribution.
Intellectual modesty is humility as to what I know; intellectual humility is modesty as to what I do not know
We have to reconcile ourselves with philosophical questions in every field. Every field should be open to inquiry and knowledge.
Humility is knowing that you can get an answer from anybody: be it a child, another person, or nature.
If you read the Qur'an with your head, you find repetition. If you read it with your heart, you find depth.
Wisdom is always connected to beauty. When you see someone acting by their principles, their wisdom makes them beautiful.
To be more precise, it's ethics and liberation, and as a consequence there is an ethics of liberation.
Always walking along despite the dangers and adversities, despite the injustices and horrors, trusting in God so as not to despair of men and events.
Saying that Islam is in heart, is similar to giving back the exam's paper completely white and saying : knowledge is in brain.
You can be a very charitable capitalist. Like [Nicola] Sarkozy was saying, we have to 'moralise capitalism', which for me is a contradiction in terms.
While criticism of Israel is legitimate and justifiable, it cannot be an excuse - in any way, shape or form - for anti-Semitism.
The message of Islam asks you to be intellectually, spiritually, socially, and politically independent
Active acceptance of God's will: to question with one's mind, to understand with one's intelligence, and to submit with one's heart.
I'm not talking about reforming #Islam..it is to reform the #Muslim minds & the Muslim understandings of the texts.
If there is a smoke, there is a fire, the saying goes, That is quite true, but one should find what the fire is, and who lit it.
There are in you two qualities that God loves: clemency [al-hilm] and forbearance [al-ana, "nobleness," "tolerance"].
Greek philosophy departs from the assumption that we can understand the world autonomously using our rational faculties. Islam is not saying this.
To seventy excuses for him. If you cannot find any, convince yourselves that it is an excuse you do not know.13
Violence against embassies and civilians must be categorically condemned. At the same time, we must attempt to understand why such events occur.
Nothing is ever final" is a lesson in humility; "no final judgment should be passed" is a promise of hope. The
There is the philosophy embedded in the culture we are living. It is quite clear for example that Arabs have a different culture than Malaysians.
Feeling sympathy and searching for explanations isn't the same as believing that the violence is justified.
To live is to love,to serve, to forgive. Love the One, love and serve humanity. To learn to love oneself and to love is to learn to forgive
One does not always know how to express the sorrow of the soul. One does not always know how to silence the joy of the heart.
Compelling a woman to wear a headscarf is against Islam, and compelling her to remove it is against human rights.
Muhammad particularly loved cats, but, more generally, he constantly made his Companions aware of the need to respect all animal species. He
I have learned that one should say "Peace!" to those who shout their hatred for one's being and presence or at one's passage.
I believe my religion is the truth, but I am not the truth and the truth doesn't belong to me I'm trying to belong to the truth.
Having traveled a lot and met people from different horizons it makes you more humble and ready to listen.
We cannot have a free market since it does not really set us free. It's free for interest, speculation and consumerism to create false needs.
Don't nurture a sense of guilt; rather, nurture a sense of responsibility married with a sense of humility.
In sha Allah, God willing, must be the expression of humility of the active actors and it must never be the justification of the passive observers
Our emotions are often beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. They represent our spontaneity, and seem to speak to us of our freedom.
The desert is often the locus of prophecies because it naturally offers to the human gaze the horizons of the infinite.
When you're overwhelmed by your emotion, you listen less and you judge more. This is also the reality of the dogmatic mind.
We must confront our own racism. Discriminatory housing and employment policies are nothing more than institutionalised racism.