Ray Kurzweil Quotes
Top 61 wise famous quotes and sayings by Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Ray Kurzweil on Wise Famous Quotes.
If we could convert 0.03 percent of the sunlight that falls on the earth into energy, we could meet all of our projected needs for 2030.
Doing real world projects is, I think, the best way to learn and also to engage the world and find out what the world is all about.
We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are 'things' outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not.
The essential thing is to recognize that consciousness is a biological process like digestion, lactation, photosynthesis, or mitosis;
Intelligence is that faculty of mind by which order is perceived in a situation previously considered disordered." - R. W. Young
One cubic inch of nanotube circuitry, once fully developed, would be up to one hundred million times more powerful than the human brain.9
No communication technology has ever disappeared, but instead becomes increasingly less important as the technological horizon widens.
So what used to fit in a building now fits in your pocket, what fits in your pocket now will fit inside a blood cell in 25 years.
[In] 2029, I think, computers will match and exceed human intelligence in the ways we're now superior, like being funny, where we still have an edge.
The fate of the universe is a decision yet to be made, one which we will intelligently consider when the time is right.
Humans feel deeply the suffering of their friends and allies and easily discount/dismiss the comparable experience of their enemies.
I'm working on artificial intelligence. Actually, natural language understanding, which is to get computers to understand the meaning of documents.
Our sole responsibility is to produce something smarter than we are; any problems beyond that are not ours to solve ...
Emotional intelligence is what humans are good at and that's not a sideshow. That's the cutting edge of human intelligence.
We are beginning to see intimations of this in the implantation of computer devices into the human body.
A Singularitarian is someone who understands the Singularity and has reflected on its meaning for his or her own life.
A thousand-bit quantum computer would vastly outperform any conceivable DNA computer, or for that matter any conceivable nonquantum computer.
By 2009, computers will disappear. Displays will be written directly onto our retinas by devices in our eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Death gives meaning to our lives. It gives importance and value to time. Time would become meaningless if there were too much of it.
Supercomputers will achieve one human brain capacity by 2010, and personal computers will do so by about 2020.
The lesson of these new insights is that our brain is entirely like any of our physical muscles: Use it or lose it.
This, then, was the religion that I was raised with: veneration for human creativity and the power of ideas.
Nature, and the natural human condition, generates tremendous suffering. We have the means to overcome that, and we should deploy it.
When you talk to a human in 2035, you'll be talking to someone that's a combination of biological and non-biological intelligence.
My mission at Google is to develop natural language understanding with a team and in collaboration with other researchers at Google.
All of our schools need to bring 'learn from doing' into the mainstream education, not just afternoon.
We are a pattern that changes slowly but has stability and continuity, even though the stuff constituting the pattern changes quickly.
All different forms of human expression, art, science, are going to become expanded, by expanding our intelligence.
But the big feature of human-level intelligence is not what it does when it works but what it does when it's stuck. - MARVIN MINSKY
Inflammation in the body) is a very healthy 0.01, and all of my other indexes (for heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions) are at ideal levels.
Our technology, our machines, is part of our humanity. We created them to extend ourselves, and that is what is unique about human beings.
We only have to capture 1/10,000th of the solar energy landing on earth to completely satisfy all our energy needs.
Biological evolution is too slow for the human species. Over the next few decades, it's going to be left in the dust.
Science fiction is the great opportunity to speculate on what could happen. It does give me, as a futurist, scenarios.