Patrick Rothfuss Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Patrick Rothfuss
Patrick Rothfuss Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Patrick Rothfuss on Wise Famous Quotes.
If you do as I tell you, you'll have nothing but smooth silver scars to show the ladies how brave you are.
Speculative fiction is where my heart lies. It's what I read growing up, and it's what I read as an adult.
Didn't think I could trust you," I said. "I was wrong, and I regret it. It wasn't the clearest thinking I've ever done.
One reason we love fiction is because stories have a comforting shape. They provide a resolution that's lacking in our regular lives.
I love her more than just a little. I think it's because we're both somewhat broken, in our own odd ways. More importantly, we're both aware of it.
There is a sort of camaraderie that rarely exists except between men who have fought the same enemies and know the same women.
Stories don't need to be new to bring you joy. Some stories are like familiar friends. Some are dependable as bread.
Then, since all my other options seemed to be exhausted, I decided it would be best if I fell off the roof.
His voice is like a thunderstorm, and his hands know every secret hidden deep beneath the cool, dark earth.
He had a bright, reckless tenor that was always wandering off, looking for notes in the wrong places.
I realize that I cannot say enough. So. Since I cannot say enough, at least I will avoid saying to much.
I needed to let them know they couldn't hurt me. I've learned that the best way to stay safe is to make your enemies think you can't be hurt.
I am not accusing you of engaging in boyish fancy. I am advising you to avoid the appearance of boyish fancy.
Master Loren to Kvothe
Master Loren to Kvothe
I'd like respect, but failing that, a little healthy fear can go a long way to making things run smoothly.
When you love something, you have to make sure it loves you back, or you'll bring about no end of trouble chasing it.
Anyone so lacking in empathy that he could systematically torment and physically degrade another should not be suffered to live.
Things are more easily seen from edges. Danger rouses the sleeping mind. It makes some things clear.
She curled snugly along the inside of my body, so easy and natural, as if she had been designed to fit there.
It's hard for me to take myself too seriously when I'm constantly experiencing firsthand what an incredible gimp I can be.
He was giving me enough rope to hang myself with. Apparently he didn't realize that once a noose is tied it will fit one neck as easily as another.
Gods of my fathers," Deoch said reverently. "Keep her always so: unchanging, past my understanding, and safe from harm.
[Simmon] "Go on."
I [Kvothe] stayed where I was. "It's not that easy."
"Nothing's ever easy with you," Wilem muttered.
I [Kvothe] stayed where I was. "It's not that easy."
"Nothing's ever easy with you," Wilem muttered.
If you fall, you fall," Elodin shrugged. "Sometimes falling teaches us things too." In dreams you often fall before you wake.
Call a jack a jack. Call a spade a spade. But always call a whore a lady. Their lives are hard enough, and it never hurts to be polite.
In truth, they seemed more content and faithful than many officially married couples I have seen since. Our
This story is for all the slightly broken people out there. I am one of you. You are not alone. You are all beautiful to me.
But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. This is rare and pure and perfect.
It will be worth it if I am remembered, if not flatteringly, then at least with some small amount of accuracy.
I can sell anything to anyone. That is actually my superpower. I am really good at negotiating and persuading.
Three circles. Perfect for asking. It was better to be gentle and polite. It was the worst sort of selfishness to force yourself upon the world.
The majority of important things cannot be said outright, they cannot be made explicit. They can only be implied.
The cost of a loaf is a simple thing, and so a loaf is often sought, but some things are past valuing: laughter, land, and love are never bought.
I want a magical horse that fits in my pocket," Wil said. "And a ring of red amber that gives me power over demons. And an endless supply of cake.
Money is nice, but the world is full of things that people would never sell. Favors and obligation are worth far, far more.
The crickets, too, respect the silence. Their calls are like careful stitches in its fabric, almost too small to be seen.
I (Kvothe) started to say something else, but she (Vashet) put her hand over my mouth. I've said I understand. Stop fighting after you have won.
I do not understand this man," [Tempi] said. "Is he attempting to buy sex with me? Or does he wish to fight?
Do all the women in the world secretly know each other?" Sim asked. "Because that would explain a lot.