Michael S. Horton Quotes
Top 62 wise famous quotes and sayings by Michael S. Horton
Michael S. Horton Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Michael S. Horton on Wise Famous Quotes.
The Bible knows nothing of any contrast between truth and experience, head and heart, theology and practical living.
When you are trying to sell a product like therapeutic transformation, there can be no ambiguity, no sense of anxiety, tension, or struggle.
When the focus becomes 'What would Jesus do?' instead of 'What has Jesus done?' the [conservative/liberal] labels no longer matter.
God did not become flesh and suffer an ignominious death at our hands so that we could have sprawling church campuses, programs, and budgets.
The problem is that our children increasingly have not been given enough of the Christian faith even to apostatize from it properly.
Start with Christ (that is, the gospel) and you get sanctification in the bargain; begin with Christ and move on to something else, and you lose both.
We are not called to live the gospel but to believe the gospel and to follow the law in view of God's mercies.
Faith in Christ is able to endure doubts - it's able to endure temptations - because it faces [them], not because it pretends [they're] not there.
Pragmatism, consumerism, self-help moralism, and narcissism are simply the symptoms of a disease that is, at its heart, theological:
If we are not explicitly and regularly taught out of it, we will always turn the message of God's rescue operation into a message of self-help.
It is nothing new when young people want churches to pander to them. What is new is the extent to which churches have obliged.
If ambition has been converted from a vice to a virtue, contentment has been transformed from a virtue into a vice.
Only when we start with the gospel - the most controversial point of Christian faith - are we ready to talk about who God is and how we know him.
The same word that is faith-producing and life-generating for some is for others an occasion to become more resolute in unbelief.
The gospel makes us extrospective, turning our gaze upward to God in faith and outward to our neighbor in love.
When we meet God in the gospel, we first encounter him as a stranger, come to rescue us from a danger we did not even realize we were in.
If this is true, then neither the past nor the present is normative. It is the canon of Scripture that renders both relative and open to correction.
As Earl Lautenslager writes, "A minister without theology is like an engineer without physics or a doctor without anatomy. He'll kill you."[
The Internet is the quarry from which younger generations craft their own selves and then advertise a desired persona on Facebook.
The power of our activism, campaigns, movements, and strategies cannot forgive sins or raise the dead.
I expect that Calvin would evaluate our worship today not as too emotional, but as too narrow in its emotional repertoire.
If the focus of our testimony is our changed life, we as well as our hearers are bound to be disappointed.
A ministry based on pragmatism is built on sand regardless of whether it is more traditional or contemporary.
Our choices are determined by our nature; we choose what we desire and we desire what is most consistent with our nature.
The Next Big Thing is not another Pentecost or another apostle or another political or social cause. It is Christ's return.
Preaching is necessary not because it's a magic but because God has ordained it for the justification and sanctification of sinners.
If you are always looking for an impact, a legacy, and success, you will not take the time to care for the things that matter.
Bad law-preaching levels some of us; Osteen's omission of the law levels none of us; biblical preaching of the law levels all of us.