Joss Stirling Quotes
Top 48 wise famous quotes and sayings by Joss Stirling
Joss Stirling Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Joss Stirling on Wise Famous Quotes.
Got you. Not letting you go.
I realised I wasn't alone in mental deep space; he had always been there and could pilot me home.
Got you. Not letting you go.
I realised I wasn't alone in mental deep space; he had always been there and could pilot me home.
I'm so pleased you're such a quick judge of character. You've got him tagged."
"Yep, toe-tagged, in the freezer, then buried six feet under.
"Yep, toe-tagged, in the freezer, then buried six feet under.
I caught a glimpse of him thinking of the final combat in the movies, Harry versus Voldemort, Spider-Man versus the Green Goblin.
I revised my opinion that the girl was timid. She appeared to have her giant well under control and a disturbing ability to know what I was feeling.
Sky, you can't ignore this!" He stood under the street lamp, sleet settling in his hair, hands fisted at his side. "You're mine - you have to be.
If Zed had not had witnesses he would have given her the shock of her life by kissing that furious look off her face.
Xav bounded out behind him. Yeah, Phee equals You-She squared. I've been working on that one: like it?
I ... I'm sorry to come like this,' I murmured.
'Stop being so damn British about it-you don't need to apologize. Ssh, it's fine.
'Stop being so damn British about it-you don't need to apologize. Ssh, it's fine.
Ah, you are one of those intellectual girls who like to be admired for their brains rather than their beauty?
I really, really like you, Sky. But if I don't stop now, your dad will kill me and that will be the end of a beautiful friendship.
What's nefarious?'
'I don't know, but my grandma accuses me of having them when she thinks I done something bad and it sounds good.
'I don't know, but my grandma accuses me of having them when she thinks I done something bad and it sounds good.
Excuse me, Mr Tall-and-Good-looking Wolfman, but can you help the English midget reach the sauce?' I think not.
Trace is cooking Nonna's lasagna."
"Wow. I must see this."
"He was wearing her little apron and everything."
"Got a camera?
"Wow. I must see this."
"He was wearing her little apron and everything."
"Got a camera?
The peaks sat in judgement over the town, reminding us humans just how insignificant and temporary we were.
I want you to be as happy as I am."
"Trust me, that wouldn't be the case if I found myself shackled to Xav Benedict by a quirk of fate.
"Trust me, that wouldn't be the case if I found myself shackled to Xav Benedict by a quirk of fate.
Did you know that chocolate had special chemicals in it to make you feel happy?"
"I don't need an excuse for chocolate.
"I don't need an excuse for chocolate.
He said he needed to unwind. He was furious we all let you go so far. That boy would stop you so much as breaking a nail if he could.
Yeah, well, not many boys take their girls out on a duck shoot with them as target for a first date. You have to give me points for style.
Fine, I'll teach you,'
'Besides, there's only so many times a girl wants to fall on her butt in front of the boy she's out to impress.
'Besides, there's only so many times a girl wants to fall on her butt in front of the boy she's out to impress.
Nice. Like the new look. He didn't sound as if he liked it one tiny bit. He sounded fit to be tied down and given a dose of sedatives.