Gary L. Thomas Quotes
Top 25 wise famous quotes and sayings by Gary L. Thomas
Gary L. Thomas Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Gary L. Thomas on Wise Famous Quotes.
The church must not teach the submission of wives apart from the sacrificial love and servanthood required of husbands.
He planted marriage among humans as yet another signpost pointing to his own eternal, spiritual existence.
We can use marriage for the same purpose - to grow in our service, obedience, character, pursuit, and love of God.
Wisdom says we should try to make a relationship work not because we have strong feelings but because it's a good match.
Giving respect is an obligation, not a favor; it is an act of maturity, birthed in a profound understanding of God's good grace.
In case you've never thought about it, a woman's body changes much more rapidly than her character does.
If you remove the cross from Christianity, all that remains is some wise moral teaching not terribly different from any other religion.
Our souls are wired for what we will never enjoy until Eden is restored in the new heaven and earth. We are built with a distant memory of Eden.8
Long-term marital intimacy requires accepting this truth: to stop giving yourself to your spouse is to spiritually divorce them.
A Christian is never dependent on the response of others to grow spiritually. It's our own heart's decisions that matter
The story of Isaac and Rebekah is an account of what was, but not necessarily of what should be for all of God's people.
With Christ in us and the Holy Spirit transforming us, we really have no excuse for continuing immaturity.