Freddie Hubbard Quotes
Top 9 wise famous quotes and sayings by Freddie Hubbard
Freddie Hubbard Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Freddie Hubbard on Wise Famous Quotes.
When you are trying to do something when you are getting started and you are trying to make records for the first time, you want it to be the best.
Yes, I can play. I can play. I can't play as long as I did and as hard, but I don't think I have to.
I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn't help the healing process.
I advise all the young kids to not overwork. You can't be out there blowing hard. You have to pace yourself.
Dizzy used to tell me I'm playing too hard. He'd say to not give everything. Miles told me that too.
Dizzy used to tell me that I am playing too hard. He used to say to not give everything. Miles used to tell me that too.