Christopher Golden Quotes
Top 21 wise famous quotes and sayings by Christopher Golden
Christopher Golden Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Christopher Golden on Wise Famous Quotes.
Some novel lovers have no interest in comics, and some comics fans would never take the time to read a novel.
Yo, zombie guys, pay attention. When it's Simon says, that means you have to do what I say. Let's be more direct. The Slayer says die, like, forever.
What is it with you and the Wizard of Oz references? Zombies and werewolves and vamps, oh my. Zombies and werewolves and ...
How many writers in history have ever been as famous as Stephen King? He casts an awfully long shadow.
Sometimes Drusilla forgot she was really there, a tangible creature and not some ghost of a memory, drifting about the world, only observing.
He whispered, breaking the silence because he could no longer bear it, daring to make a noise because a whisper was better than a scream
What amazes me is how far some people will go to justify their behavior to themselves, just to preserve that self-perception.
She yanked open her shoulder bag and pulled out a stake. Boy Scouts and vampire slayers should always be prepared.
The dead bolt made a heavy, satisfying thunk as he turned the lock, and Jake found that he liked that sound. He liked it very much.
There were things violence could solve - you couldn't be a soldier and not believe that - but this wasn't one of them.