Charley Reese Quotes
Top 21 wise famous quotes and sayings by Charley Reese
Charley Reese Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Charley Reese on Wise Famous Quotes.
Don't live beyond your means. Don't buy more than you can pay for. Don't expect to get rich quick. And don't confuse salesmen for friends or advisers.
The politicians in this world ... have at their command weapons of mass destruction far more complex than their own thinking processes.
Reason and truth have rarely prevailed against demagoguery when the audience is too ignorant to tell the difference.
If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to have the means to defend that life.
Government is inherently incompetent, and no matter what task it is assigned, it will do it in the most expensive and inefficient way possible.
Thats what abortion is - killing innocent humans for money. Abortionists are government licensed hit men.
We ... are not really free if we can't control our own government and its policies. And we will never do that if we remain ignorant.
[N]o American should retreat an inch on the right of jurors to acquit if they perceive the law or its administration to be unjust.
Disregarding the value of religion and believing in egalitarianism are two misconceptions that cause America much trouble today.
The truth is that neither British nor American imperialism was or is idealistic. It has always been driven by economic or strategic interests.
Some lawyers and judges may have forgotten it, but the purpose of the court system is to produce justice, not slavish obedience to the law.
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
[Y]ou cannot determine either the truth or the right or wrong of anything with a poll. You can only tabulate people's opinions.