Watchman Nee Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Watchman Nee
Watchman Nee Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Watchman Nee on Wise Famous Quotes.
Henceforth we are dead to everything pertaining to ourselves and alive to His Spirit alone. This requires our exercising faith.
We must have a spirit of power towards the enemy, a spirit of love towards men, and a spirit of self-control towards ourselves.
Whenever man touches God's delegated authority he touches God within that person; sinning against delegated authority is sinning against God.
True revelation of the fact of the Spirit's indwelling will revolutionize the life of any Christian.
The child of God ought to confess his weakness that he does not know how to pray, and petition the Holy Spirit to teach him.
The burden imparted by God is lifted once we have prayed, but the heaviness from the enemy cannot be raised unless we fight and resist in prayer.
The Spirit is both a builder and a dweller. He cannot dwell where he has not built; He builds to dwell and dwells in only what he has built.
Our prayers lay the track down which Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.
The first and foremost sign of new birth in anyone is that he knows God intuitively, for his spirit has been quickened.
Prayer does not alter that which God has determined; it never changes anything. It merely achieves what He has already foreordained.
God will answer all our questions in one way and one way only. Namely, by showing us more of his Son.
With fear and trembling we must rely upon God for guidance in the inner depths. This is the sole way to walk according to the spirit.
A drowning man cannot be saved until he is utterly exhausted and ceases to make the slightest effort to save himself.
Never adopt an attitude of indifference, for if you do you will suffer for it. The weight will grow heavier and heavier.
It is not a matter of how many loaves we have in our hands, but whether or not God has blessed them.
Many Christians are unaware how drastically the cross must work so that ultimately their natural power for living may be denied.
Eternal life means more than mere future blessing to be enjoyed by believers; it is equally a kind of spiritual ability.
By the time the average Christian gets his temperature up to normal, everybody thinks he has a fever!
And it is through conflict that God induces the believer to seek and to grasp total triumph in Christ.
So we can say, reverently, that God never gave us the Law to keep: he gave us the Law to break! He well knew that we could not keep it.
The Christian life from start to finish is based upon this principle of utter dependence upon the Lord Jesus.
We must be brought to a place where, naturally gifted though we may be, we dare not speak except in conscious and continual dependence on Him.
Now is the hour we should humbly prostrate ourselves before God, willing to be convicted afresh of our sins by the Holy Spirit.
The life of faith is not only totally different from, but also diametrically opposite to, a life of feeling.
Irrespective of how we physiologically are made, even possessing special weaknesses, we can overcome our sins through the Lord.
The reason for so many defeats in the spiritual realm is because this sector of the soul has not been dealt with drastically.
God not only wants to break the outer man ... He wants our spirit and our soul ... our inner man and outer man to be separated from each other.
If we just had more revelation of what we already have, there would be far less prayers and far more praise.
If you would test the character of anything, you only need to enquire whether that thing leads you to God or away from God.
We may infer from any defeat of ours that it is due either to lack of faith or failure to obey. No other reason can suffice.
Teach us to pray that we may cause The enemy to flee, That we his evil power may bind, His prisoners to free.
Faith in Christ makes one a regenerated believer; obedience to the Holy Spirit makes him a spiritual believer.
Do we not realize that the basic condition for a spiritual walk is to fear our self and its wisdom and to rely absolutely upon the Spirit?
Our bread is not only the Word of God, our meat is not only to do His will, our bread is also ... the difficulties that are in our way.
I must first have the sense of God's possession of me before I can have the sense of His presence with me.
It is because we know God's will that we may say to Him: God, we want You to do this thing, we are determined that You do it, You cannot but do it.
Neither our psychology nor that of the unbelievers can impart life to them. Unless the Holy Spirit Himself performs the work, all is vain.
True spiritual life depends not on probing our feelings and thoughts from dawn to dusk but on 'looking off' to the Savior!
Long-lasting victory can never be separated from a long-lasting stand on the foundation of the cross.
If Christ lives in us, we will rejoice in everything, and we will thank and praise the Lord. We will say, 'Hallelujah! Praise the Lord' forever.
Natural strength is what we receive from the hand of God as Creator. Spiritual strength is what we receive from God in grace.
We should try our best to pour out all the burdens in our spirit by prayer until all of them have left us.
People who are lazy, careless, doubtful-minded or arrogant need not expect God to reveal His secret or covenant to them.
The knowledge of Christ which is produced by man's own cleverness and wisdom is not a rock that can stand firm.
It is so easy to become more attached to the gifts of God than to the Giver - and even, I should add, to the work of God than to God Himself.
The life of faith can be called the life of the will since faith is impervious to how one feels but chooses through volition to obey God's mind.
Since this life is God's and cannot die, it follows that everyone born anew into possessing this life is said to have eternal life.