Zig Ziglar Quotes
Collection of top 100 famous quotes about Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Zig Ziglar quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
You cannot achieve someone else's goals.
— Zig Ziglar
Good values are easier caught than taught.
— Zig Ziglar
A goal properly set is halfway reached.
— Zig Ziglar
If you wait until all the lights are 'green' before you leave home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top.
— Zig Ziglar
When a company or an individual compromises one time, whether it's on price or principle, the next compromise is right around the corner.
— Zig Ziglar
Those who won't take a chance don't have a chance.
— Zig Ziglar
It's absolutely true that unless you can instill discipline upon yourself, you will never be able to lead others.
— Zig Ziglar
You gotta climb the steps ... you can't skip them
— Zig Ziglar
God showed me that He could and would replace everything that was missing in my life, but that nothing could replace Him in my life.
— Zig Ziglar
The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not train them and keep them.
— Zig Ziglar
Success is one thing you can't pay for. You buy it on the installment plan and make payments everyday.
— Zig Ziglar
Champions invariably have fervent philosophical beliefs. Philosophy, in its simplest terms, means 'the love of wisdom.'
— Zig Ziglar
There is a difference between standard of living and quality of life. Quality of life is more important.
— Zig Ziglar
You'll never see a happy ungrateful person.
— Zig Ziglar
You are the most influential person you will talk to all day.
— Zig Ziglar INC.
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
— Zig Ziglar
Once you have accepted yourself, it's so much easier to accept other people and their points of view.
— Zig Ziglar
Since belief determines behavior, doesn't it make sense that we should be teaching ethical, moral values in every home and in every school in America?
— Zig Ziglar
We do not stop working and playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop working and playing.
— Zig Ziglar
Negative thinkers always have a negative vision.
— Zig Ziglar
You are the only person in existence who can use your potential. It is an awesome responsibility.
— Zig Ziglar
The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting.
— Zig Ziglar
When you do the things you need to do when you need to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.
— Zig Ziglar
Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.
— Zig Ziglar
Gratitude is the most important attitude.
— Zig Ziglar
Stop selling. Start helping.
— Zig Ziglar
The only way to coast is downhill.
— Zig Ziglar
Always do the right thing, always be exciting, always be encouraging, and always be learning something new.
— Zig Ziglar
Success is dependent upon the glands - sweat glands.
— Zig Ziglar
Motivation needs to be a part of your own life for you to be effective in conveying it to others.
— Zig Ziglar
Kids don't make up 100 percent of our population, but they do make up 100 percent of our future.
— Zig Ziglar
Today I will be a successful sales professional, and I will learn something today that will make me even more professional tomorrow.
— Zig Ziglar
You build a successful career, regardless of your field of endeavor, by the dozens of little things you do on and off the job.
— Zig Ziglar
Have an attitude of gratidude and you will have more to be grateful for; have a complaining spirit and you will attract more to complain about.
— Zig Ziglar
I've got to confess I'm a pragmatic optimist myself.
— Zig Ziglar
A smart salesperson listens to emotions not facts.
— Zig Ziglar
A man or woman is seldom happy unless he or she is sustaining him or herself and making a contribution to others.
— Zig Ziglar
The child who has not been disciplined with love by his little world will be disciplined, generally without love, by the big world.
— Zig Ziglar
When your image improves, your performance improves.
— Zig Ziglar
Happiness is not pleasure, it is victory.
— Zig Ziglar
God created man on purpose, and for a purpose.
— Zig Ziglar
Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.
— Zig Ziglar
Too many people spend more time planning how to get the job than on how to become productive and successful in that job.
— Zig Ziglar
You have made some mistakes and you may not be where you want to be, but that has nothing to do with your future.
— Zig Ziglar
Your first encounter of the day has a more direct bearing on your attitude for that day than your next five encounters.
— Zig Ziglar
Everyone who's a success, is a continual learner.
— Zig Ziglar
Unless you have a definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you.
— Zig Ziglar
Possibly the greatest waste in life is the gap between what you are and what you could become.
— Zig Ziglar
The same God who created Rembrandt created you, and you are as precious in God's sight as Rembrandt or anyone else.
— Zig Ziglar
Our favorite attitude should be gratitude.
— Zig Ziglar
Your mate doesn't live by bread alone; he or she needs to be 'buttered up' from time to time.
— Zig Ziglar
You can finish school, and even make it easy - but you never finish your education, and it's seldom easy.
— Zig Ziglar
important and vision is critical, but
— Zig Ziglar
He climbs highest who helps another up.
— Zig Ziglar