Secret Sin Quotes
Collection of top 13 famous quotes about Secret Sin
Secret Sin Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Secret Sin quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
You said they had found the secret of happiness because they had never heard that love can be a sin.
— Eugene O'Neill
We have all our secret sins; and if we knew ourselves we should not judge each other harshly.
— George Eliot
Disclosing one's "deep, dark secrets" makes them no less deep or dark or secret than any other petty flaw.
— Alan De Jager
It may be a secret sin on earth, but it is open scandal in heaven.
— Lewis Sperry Chafer
Your secret sin vs your destiny you decide which one wins.
— Joe Joe Dawson
And once, or twice, to throw the dice is a gentlemanly game, But he does not win who plays with Sin in the secret house of shame
— Oscar Wilde
But I'm no hero. I had to keep my dirty little secret. The worst sin I committed was holding it in; letting the secret blacken me.
— Julie Anne Peters
Then is it sin to rush into the secret house of death. Ere death dare come to us?
— William Shakespeare
Fear the sins that you commit in secret, because the Witness of those sins is the Judge Himself!
— Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Oh, this was the great ploy of Satan in that kingdom of his: to display such blatant evil one could almost believe one's own secret sin didn't matter.
— Corrie Ten Boom
It's so much nicer to be a secret and delightful sin to anybody than to be a feather in his cap.
— Agatha Christie