Anthea Quotes
Collection of top 27 famous quotes about Anthea
Anthea Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Anthea quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
You don't just become something in life. You evolve and grow; otherwise you get bored and remain stagnant.
— Anthea Syrokou
Writing is a bittersweet addiction. The more it drains you; the more replenished you feel, and you crave it even more.
— Anthea Syrokou
Rearranging furniture, adding some candles, or making even small tweaks can really make the difference.
— Anthea Turner
Now that's a ghastly moon, not ghostly.
— Anthea Carson
If you are a housewife, take pride in that.
— Anthea Turner
Divorce is the biggest drain, outside of school fees, and nobody wins. People think it is always in the woman's favour, but it is not necessarily.
— Anthea Turner
Maybe, instead of paying so much in tax, the very rich could be incentivised to help their local community and young people who do not have a home.
— Anthea Turner
I grew up in a world before people had credit cards. There were no magic cards - it was all about budgeting.
— Anthea Turner
If everybody knows where everything is kept you can avoid wasting time looking for things.
— Anthea Turner
I do not think we should tax people to a point where they are looking for tax loopholes and getting their money out of the country.
— Anthea Turner
A lot of people live in a property that will one day be part of their pension, and that is true for me too. I have an investment I can sell with ease.
— Anthea Turner
The public service can continue to function regardless of its performance because it does not have to satisfy customers or produce a profit.
— Anthea Jeffery
Consider your house from an aesthetic point of view.
— Anthea Turner
Those who earn money know best how to spend it.
— Anthea Turner
I have made six big home moves in my life and I have never lost money on one I have lived in.
— Anthea Turner
Why do we consider that just because people have more money, they do not deserve it? It is totally wrong. They deserve everything they have earned.
— Anthea Turner
I am now at the age where I can withdraw a 25 per cent tax-free lump sum. I do not put in a set amount because my earnings are a moveable feast.
— Anthea Turner
A proper family diary with everyone's events and parties in it really helps organise the household.
— Anthea Turner
I have always liked clothes - throughout my life, my saving grace has been my own vanity.
— Anthea Turner
The first rule of management is delegation. Don't try and do everything yourself because you can't.
— Anthea Turner
We don't really change. We finally begin to live a life that is true to our values.
— Anthea Syrokou
away from Clive.
— Anthea Fraser
Unless you completely understand the investment world, do not mess around with it. It is not something I would go anywhere near.
— Anthea Turner
It's cool to have a well run, comfortable and inviting home.
— Anthea Turner
There's no getting away from it: you have to clean.
— Anthea Turner