Megan Boyle Quotes
Top 19 wise famous quotes and sayings by Megan Boyle
Megan Boyle Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Megan Boyle on Wise Famous Quotes.
I wish you could take a 'plan b' pill for after you eat a lot of organic cheese puffs and your stomach hurts and you don't want to be fat tomorrow
I had a dream that there were these huge indoor swimming pools called 'lobbies' that poor people used to do mass amounts of laundry
I could never be a sports writer, unless my assignment was to write 'sports sports sports sports sports' for three pages
I am still unsure of what 'life to the fullest' for me would be, mostly i just try to be well-liked in social situations and not die
I want to go to the gym
and pretend the weight machines are drums
and play the longest drum solo on them
and pretend the weight machines are drums
and play the longest drum solo on them
I want to pull very long, multi-colored strings out of my brain and place them next to a bowl of doritos at a party
Feel completely unable to do anything. Try to picture your life in five years. It really seems like you will be dead.
I wish i had 15-20 cats that would serve as a blanket, like if i moved they would adjust to my new position, that would be good