Max Ernst Quotes

Art has got nothing to do with taste.

Art has got nothing to do with taste. (Max Ernst)

Max Ernst Quotes Pictures

Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.
Max Ernst Quotes: Art has got nothing to do with taste.