Laurie Colwin Quotes
Top 34 wise famous quotes and sayings by Laurie Colwin
Laurie Colwin Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Laurie Colwin on Wise Famous Quotes.
It is my opinion that Norman Rockwell and his ilk have done more to make already anxious people feel guilty than anyone else.
There is nothing like soup. It is by nature eccentric: no two are ever alike, unless of course you get your soup in a can.
My idea of a good time abroad is to visit someone's house and hang out, poking into their cupboards if they will let me.
I will never eat fish eyeballs, and I do not want to taste anything commonly kept as a house pet, but otherwise I am a cinch to feed.
The thing about homebodies is that they can usually be found at home. I usually am, and I like to feed people.
Many people eat salad dutifully because they feel it is good for them, but more enlightened types eat it happily because it is good.
Gertje was right. To be an American was to be blessed with a kind of idiotic but very useful innocence.
When it comes to cakes and puddings, savouries, bread and tea cakes, the English cannot be surpassed.
It is not just the Great Works of mankind that make a culture. It is the daily things, like what people eat and how they serve it.
Cooking is like anything else: some people have an inborn talent for it. Some become expert by practicing, and some learn from books.
I do not believe that you have to spend a lot of money to eat well: it is hard to beat a plain old baked potato.
Out on the street I felt lost wandering around without my child. I felt I ought to wear a pin that said: I have a child in school at the moment.
The best way to eat crabs, as everyone knows, is off newspaper at a large table with a large number of people.
The old days were slower. People buttered their bread without guilt and sat down to dinner en famille.