L.R.W. Lee Quotes
Top 44 wise famous quotes and sayings by L.R.W. Lee
L.R.W. Lee Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from L.R.W. Lee on Wise Famous Quotes.
I would be irresponsible if I sat back and did nothing while they are being oppressed." "I know you're right, dear. I'm just concerned for our family.
I happen to believe that one's success comes only from responsibility, diligence and dignity. - King Hercalon V, King of Oomaldee
What is the purpose of video games if not to train you in the skills you will need to survive? - King Hercalon V
Fear of being wrong paralyzes people. Get over it! If you're wrong, invent a new narrative and move on. - L. R. W. Lee
Love the overuse of exclamation points!!!! Yes!!! They add a lot of emphasis!!! to what your character is saying!!!
Andy gasped and jumped up, pumping his fists and yelling, "Yahoo!" Alden and the King stared at the spectacle and started laughing.
If you don't have a narrative, just make one up. You can always change it when you have more clarity. Any narrative beats no narrative. - L. R. W. Lee
If you would all be quiet and let me finish," continued Dudge. "Oh, all right, finish your yapping," pined Donsay Hat.
How do you know you're a mom? If you never have a Kleenex in your purse when YOU need it? L. R. W. Lee
When you let go of expectations and just dive in, possibilities you couldn't have dreamed of emerge. - L. R. W. Lee
To change someone's mind, requires only that you speak a more compelling narrative about their situation than their current one.
I've found that replacing one thing for another only means you don't yet know where the glitches are.
Motivation fades because it's emotion driven. Mobilization doesn't fade because it's ambition driven. Connect with your passion! - L. R. W. Lee
But Dad! It really did happen! I was transported to a Laboratory in an old stone castle and there was a wizard in blue robes with a floppy hat and ...
One may not be able to trade in gratitude as a currency, but gratitude is the currency of true wealth. - L. R. W. Lee
Trust your instinct in areas you have some background because your instinct is informed and not blind. - L. R. W. Lee
In any disagreement, I believe both parties are 50% wrong. Taking responsibility for your part fixes most issues.
It's no mystery, Just look at the history, Brave and valiant, strong and true, The victors wear royal blue!
Why do you care for them?
"I think it's because I feel loved. I feel like they understand me." - Andy Smithson
"I think it's because I feel loved. I feel like they understand me." - Andy Smithson
I strive for authenticity even though it brings with it vulnerability and the inevitable judgment of others.
Life for dreamers may not be easy, but it beats drifting. You never know where you'll end up drifting, maybe someplace good, maybe not. - L. R. W. Lee
Why demand ye of me where the land of Oomaldee lies? Did they do the same of C.S. Lewis and his Narnia?