John Petrucci Quotes
Top 27 wise famous quotes and sayings by John Petrucci
John Petrucci Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from John Petrucci on Wise Famous Quotes.
If you can't play as good or as fast as me, just give up, sell your guitar on eBay and kill yourself.
Music is a communication. It's a two-way street. You need people to play to in order to make that connection complete. That's the way we look at it.
It's hard to answer that from my own perspective because when I'm playing I know where it is coming from and the sources.
Out of Berklee Dream Theater was born and we've been together ever since. I didn't have to taste that feeling of defeat.
Now that we're established and we have a history we know that we can expect people to show up and to have a good time.
I'm realizing this more and more that it's one thing to get involved with your own political beliefs and stand behind you believe in personally.
We have a storage close by where I live, that's very organised. My guitar tech, Matty organised it all, labeled everything.
We're not the kind of band who writes an order abundance of songs and picks from them, we usually write for the album.
I know we play a part in the story of progressive music, but for us those influences are the real fathers, the ones that we were interested in.
With all tools at my disposal, I'm 100% into chasing tone and checking out new equipment and "geeking" out during sound check by taking too much time.
As far as bands doing that in a way where they think they're going to fight the government, the only people they're really hurting is the fans.
Since I'm in a band, and I'm not usually in situations where I need to read, it doesn't come up as often, and I don't rely on it as much.
If someone is feeling out of sorts or detached it's a great time to bring them in and restate why we are here and what we are trying to do.
I often think about my Music Man guitars being 100 million percent tailored to my needs as a player and how lucky I am.
There's different levels of where we do well throughout Europe. Fortunately, for us, it's pretty great all throughout it.
I've always said that there's a huge progressive rock, progressive metal audience out there, in the world.