Ted Dekker Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Ted Dekker
Ted Dekker Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Ted Dekker on Wise Famous Quotes.
In the space of so many scant hours, a new world had lifted the hem of her skirts before him. A world of seething pleasures and sweaty rage.
The people of this world make a god for themselves in their own image, and in doing so they make God far, far, far, too small.
God is obviouslt God, and Heaven obviously exsists, and every word spoken here on earth turns heads up there.
Most people die twice: first when they give up on life, and finally when Death comes to take what's his.
Like all of my fictions, 'Sinner' is a mirror. Look into it and you will find yourself. What you do with what you see is your choice.
Light came into the darkness, but the darkness didn't understand it," Susan said. "Look to the light. Only the light can save you from yourself.
Look at me, see how I resemble a puddle of dog vomit? Won't you please throw your fingers to your teeth and be wildly fascinated by me?
Live to discover, as long as discovery leads to a love that comes from the Creator ... writing was the mirror to life.
The only barrier to apprehending the truth is our own unwillingness to see the world as it is instead of how we prefer it to be.
The incomparable great power we have as believers is tied up in hope. Lose the hope and lose the power.
Her fear was gone, not only mostly, but completely, because it had been sustained by an illusion that was no longer part of her reality. The
A person who finds silence and solitude boring is a person who is himself boring, empty of anything worth consideration.
You give people a little money and they lose all their manners, even the ones who had manners to begin with.
Maybe he does show himself to us, but we don't see. Maybe it's not our senses that are the problem, but our minds.
Where is God? Where can I find him? we ask. We don't realize that's like a fish swimming frantically through the ocean in search OF the ocean
Take a leap of faith and see that these troubled waters have no power over you unless you give it to them, and even then they lie.
We're far more than just physical beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience.
So many Christians today see a system in which they cannot measure up and so they feel unworthy. The church seems to have failed them.
Just because someone sees the truth doesn't mean they will accept it or allow that truth to change them.
I'm a skeptic of religious systems, not of the faith. Someday I will be happy to discuss the difference with you.
When I sit down to write a novel, I am exploring my own relationship with God, with the struggle between good and evil, my own purpose.
They all seemed to function in it, but to say they controlled it would be wrong...The chaos controlled them.
Everyone wanted to create his own history. There was nothing as powerful as the written word; history had taught them all that much.
What was once obvious to them was no longer quite as obvious. Why was it that humans lost sight of truth so quickly?
We become so used to the familiar that we begin to doubt the unfamiliar, until our eyes are opened and we see.
It's neither and it's both. That's the perfect kind of art. Labels only detract from the artist's intention.
You will only see who you are and thus be who you are as you surrender your attachment to all other identities,
You want to forget your pain. I mean to tell you that doing that will only cause you more hurt. - Khai
Writing wasn't about making money. I wanted to find fulfillment in writing and telling stories, and that's what's driven me.
If someone tries to follow the narrow way and does not set aside who they think they are and what they think they need, they cannot follow.
Not evil. Not any more evil than the colored trees are good.Evil and good reside in the heart, not in trees and water.
How can you hope to recognize good and evil for what they truly are if you have no belief in a moral authority greater than yourself?
Love can only be found in freedom of choice. And for choice to exist, there must be an alternative to choose. Something as compelling as love.
Knowing you're worthless doesn't give you value any more than knowing you are a captive sets you free.
That's it?" Jason asked. "You spent an hour talking about how lucky you were to be dying?"
No, not dying, Son. Living.
No, not dying, Son. Living.
The fact is not kill entire populations is able to infect entire regions of land and control the only cure.
Make sure your soul is attached at all times - this town will steal it in a second, given the chance.
But if you look to your Maker, you'll find enough power to kill a thousand Slaters
- Dr. John Francis
- Dr. John Francis