Pat Schneider Quotes
Collection of top 22 famous quotes about Pat Schneider
Pat Schneider Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Pat Schneider quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
Even those truths that are painful will ultimately increase my wisdom, undergird my strength, make possible my art.
— Pat Schneider
God's love is God's attention.
— Pat Schneider
Are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground
— Pat Schneider
To pray is to open oneself completely, intimately, into the Presence that is beyond our ability to name.
— Pat Schneider
Maybe the bottom of my own night is a darkness I cannot descend into without "the light that is within me" becoming dark.
— Pat Schneider
I learned without her saying a word that there are truly many ways to pray, and lighting a candle is one of them.
— Pat Schneider
When we neglect the artist in ourselves, there is a kind of mourning that goes on under the surface of our busy lives.
— Pat Schneider
Darkness and light are inextricably bound together.
— Pat Schneider
You ever get sick and one of your friends gives you medical advice? And they tell you that they're not a doctor - like you didn't know it?
— Dom Irrera
A writer is someone who writes!
— Pat Schneider
Be led by your joy.
— Pat Schneider
It occurred to me that when I begin to write, I open myself and wait. And when I turn toward an inner spiritual awareness, I open myself and wait.
— Pat Schneider
Jesus said, But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.
— Pat Schneider
Writing as an art form belongs to all people, regardless of economic class or educational level ... A writer is someone who writes.
— Pat Schneider
There 's nae sorrow there, John, There 's neither cauld nor care, John, The day is aye fair, In the land o' the leal.
— Carolina Nairne
People just adore pasta. It's a simple fact.
— Marc Vetri
Both writing and praying are acts of deep vulnerability.
— Pat Schneider
God does not answer our desperate questionings; he simply gives us himself.
— Francois Mauriac