Condemned Quotes
Collection of top 100 famous quotes about Condemned
Condemned Quotes & Sayings
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People who label erotica writers as sluts/men-whores remind me of the mob that once condemned smart women as witches. Mankind has not evolved much.
— Anna Bayes
Bearing sham and scoffing rude, in my place condemned He stood - Sealed my pardon with His blood: Hallelujah, what a Savior!
— Philip Bliss
The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.
— Simone Weil
Evil is license, and that is why it is monotonous: everything has to be drawn from ourselves. One is condemned to false infinity. That is hell itself.
— Simone Weil
Though debts are condemned in the financial world, the world of friendship and love may perversely depend on well-managed debts.
— Alain De Botton
Santayana's aphorism must be reversed: too often it is those who can remember the past who are condemned to repeat it.
— Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
Because we are in the world, we are condemned to meaning, and we cannot do or say anything without its acquiring a name in history.
— Maurice Merleau Ponty
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it
— Lauren Slater
Here is the world to which I am condemned, in which, despite myself, I must somehow live.' I said.
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Letters of the condemned. Last words scratched on a cell's wall. To write like that.
— Anna Kamienska
Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself are much condemned to have an itching palm.
— William Shakespeare
What can you do when you're condemned to a place where every choice seems wrong - even the one you promised your lover you'd make?
— Nicholas Sparks
In my speeches, I always condemned communism, national-socialism and fascism.
— Jean-Marie Le Pen
Man is a solitary animal condemned to live in herds.
— Peter G. Roe
A machine condemned to devour books and then throw them , in a changed form , on the dunghill of history .
— Karl Marx
If I shall be condemned Upon surmises, all proofs sleeping else But what your jealousies awake, I tell you 'Tis rigor and not law.
— William Shakespeare
Living in that castle was like being condemned to Hell before I'd even had the opportunity to sin.
— Kristen Reed
The fact that a baby can be born today and condemned to a life of hardship, struggle, and discrimination simply because of sex is enraging.
— Adora Svitak
The past, which as always did not know the future, acted in ways that ask to
be imagined before they are condemned. Or even simplified. — Paul Fussell
be imagined before they are condemned. Or even simplified. — Paul Fussell
An ambassador for peace, Pope John Paul II stood steadfast against communism and condemned discrimination against all people.
— Shelley Berkley
It seemed that we were condemned to be who we were, which was not a particularly good prospect.
— Thomas Buergenthal
Friendship, according to Proust, is the negation of that irremediable solitude to which every human being is condemned.
— Samuel Beckett
Men dissimulate their dearest, most constant, and most virtuous inclination from weakness and a fear of being condemned.
— Luc De Clapiers
The guilty are allowed, by human laws, bloody as they are, to speak in their own defence before they are condemned.
— Mary Shelley
Once I was condemned to three months' absolute silence. As I could not speak, I wrote a book.
— Nana Mouskouri
Build your nest in no tree here ... for the Lord of the forest has condemned the whole woods to be demolished.
— Samuel Rutherford
It is notable that when she is not condemned for being too bold and masculine, Cleopatra is taken to task for being unduly frail and feminine.
— Stacy Schiff
A common soldier will make an empire, but he will eventually meet his fate and be condemned to the Great Rock.
— Nostradamus
Only the most extraordinary men can choose the remote cliffs as their graveyards; others are always condemned to nearby city gardens!
— Mehmet Murat Ildan
In the interests of economy they condemned hundreds of children to death and I call it murder.
— James Maxton
Why was Gregor the only one condemned to work in a firm where, at the slightest lapse, someone immediately attracted the greatest suspicion?
— Franz Kafka
Why was I condemned to live in a democracy where every fool's vote is equal to a sensible man's?
— John Wyndham
In this vast universe, we are condemned to feel tiny; megalomaniac is the one who cannot feel the true dimensions of this universe!
— Mehmet Murat Ildan
Imagine yourself acclaimed, a decorated national hero, an idol to millions of desperate people, then within six months, condemned to death by hanging.
— Joachim Peiper
What art thou Faustus, but a man condemned to die?
— Christopher Marlowe
A vice utterly at variance with the happiness of him who harbors it, and, as such, condemned by self-love.
— James Mackintosh
The condemned man's voice is laced with dark promise as he continues. "Remember Father, evil is simply 'live' spelt backwards."
Hellbound — David McCaffrey
Hellbound — David McCaffrey
If no sing, all youth condemned into poverty. Denied possible advancement and self-realization
— Chuck Palahniuk
Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it.
— Warren W. Wiersbe
We all condemned our parents to shame, even if the only charge we could bring was that after 1945 they had tolerated the perpetrators in their midst.
— Bernhard Schlink
I would rather be a ghost drifting by your side as a condemned soul than enter heaven without you.
— Anupama Chopra
What hell condemned, let heaven now heal.
— Aberjhani
You know that old phrase 'Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it'? Well, I think those who remember the past are even worse off.
— Chuck Palahniuk
Those with nothing but vengeance to live for are condemned by their own bitter victory.
— Luke Scull
Corporations have neither bodies to be punished, nor souls to be condemned, they therefore do as they like.
— Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron Thurlow
I have been tried and condemned without a hearing, and I suppose I shall have to go to the execution.
— George Meade
A bird without wings and a man without art are both condemned to wander in low places; they can never soar up to those unrivalled heights.
— Mehmet Murat Ildan
Ambition is not in itself an evil; nor is he to be condemned whose spirit prompts him to seek fame by worthy and honourable ways.
— Francesco Guicciardini
Before the rise of Deism, Calvin condemned the pragmatic deism which relegated God to heaven and left the government of the world to men.
— Rousas John Rushdoony
How many persons condemned to the horrors of solitary confinement have gone mad - simply because the thinking faculties have lain dormant!
— Jules Verne
At the top of the ramp, Holston saw the heaven into which he'd been condemned for his simple sin of hope.
— Hugh Howey
Anything that protracted a campaign Clausewitz condemned. "Gradual reduction" of the enemy, or a war of attrition, he feared like the pit of hell.
— Barbara W. Tuchman
The early Christians condemned false doctrine in a way that sounds almost unchristian today.
— Vance Havner
Those who ignore Statistics are condemned to reinvent it.
— Bradley Efron
She now knew her death was inevitable, and with that acceptance came liberation. The courage of the condemned.
— Tess Gerritsen
All lines of play which lead to the imprisonment of the bishop are on principle to be condemned.
— Siegbert Tarrasch
The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned.
— Bryan Stevenson
A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.
— William James
War was a dungeon for the spiritually condemned
— Dylan Saccoccio
Condemned to Hope's delusive mine,
As on we toil from day to day,
By sudden blasts or slow decline
Our social comforts drop away. — Samuel Johnson
As on we toil from day to day,
By sudden blasts or slow decline
Our social comforts drop away. — Samuel Johnson
I didn't just see myself as a film director here [in Life And Nothing More], but also as an observer of people who had been condemned to death.
— Abbas Kiarostami
If the Domain is destroyed, I have condemned my husband to an eternity of darkness, silence, with only his own rage and madness to keep him company.
— Greg Bear
Woman was and is condemned to a system under which the lawful rapes exceed the unlawful ones a million to one.
— Margaret Sanger
Those who depend on television as their primary information source are condemned to ... A form of political illiteracy.
— Bill Kraus
If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself.
— Alexandre Dumas
I am a machine condemned to devour books.
— Karl Marx
If you don't have that memory of being loved, you are condemned to search the world for something to fill you up.
— Michael Jackson
We're all trapped in a net of consequences, condemned to paths outside our control. It's the way of things.
— Juliet Marillier
Socrates condemned art because he preferred philosophy and only after much internal struggle did Plato accept this judgment.
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Someone knocks on the door.
Laylah's eyes widen in alarm. Josiah looks like he's just been condemned to hell.
"It's just my dinner," says Raffe. — Susan Ee
Laylah's eyes widen in alarm. Josiah looks like he's just been condemned to hell.
"It's just my dinner," says Raffe. — Susan Ee
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can learn from our experience without being condemned by our experience.
— Bruce C. Hafen
We had given it a name, a substance, and somehow, in doing that, we had condemned ourselves.
— Storm Constantine
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12:37
— Beth Moore
Proximity to the condemned and incarcerated made the question of each person's humanity more urgent and meaningful, including my own.
— Bryan Stevenson
Rocks do not have dreams and that's why they are condemned to stay in the same place! To move, you must have dreams!
— Mehmet Murat Ildan
Christians are condemned who profess to own God for their God and yet do not live as if he were their God.
— Thomas Watson
There's no use in weeping,
Though we are condemned to part:
There's such a thing as keeping,
A remembrance in one's heart ... — Charlotte Bronte
Though we are condemned to part:
There's such a thing as keeping,
A remembrance in one's heart ... — Charlotte Bronte
If you never condemned you would never need to forgive.
— Anthony De Mello
Self-satisfaction and self-pity are both condemned. What are people permitted to feel about themselves?
— Mason Cooley
There is no conceivable human action which custom has not at one time justified and at another condemned.
— Joseph Wood Krutch
I'm from such an old family, it's been condemned.
— Phyllis Diller
She became the angel condemned to linger inside his heart.
— Felix Alexander
I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me, and think of me as of one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me.
— Mary Shelley