Jenny Lawson Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Jenny Lawson
Jenny Lawson Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Jenny Lawson on Wise Famous Quotes.
When life gives you lemons you should freeze them and use them to throw at your enemies using some sort of trebuchet.
No " Grandlibby replied. "Hail comes from hell. The devil sent it because he's happy that you're reading evil garbage.
In short? It is exhausting being me. Pretending to be normal is draining and requires amazing amounts of energy and Xanax.
Every time I get scared or feel like I'm not going to be good enough at something, I say that mantra to myself. "Pretend you're good at it."
Are asparaguses just artichokes that haven't grown properly? Like they started smoking and got really skinny, like supermodels? *
Maybe that's why people overschedule their kids now. Maybe it's to avoid driving your lawn mower over a small cliff made by gopherlike children.
Oh my God, calm down, Darwin. Don't get all crazy just 'cause I threw a vampire monkey wrench in your faulty Jesus-zombie logic.
I try to be honest about the shame that I feel because with honesty comes empowerment and also understanding.
You don't have to go to some special private school to be an artist. Just look at the intricate beauty of cobwebs. Spiders make them with their butts.
We all get our share of tragedy or insanity or drama, but what we do with that horror is what makes all the difference. I
The world always looks nicer when it's a little blurry - that's why so many of us have a second glass of wine at dinner.
I just realized that men get stiletto knives and women get stiletto shoes. This whole thing is fucked.
Which sort of shows why my body is an idiot, because forced narcolepsy is pretty much the worst defense ever.
I whispered to the girl next to me that I was very excited about having my first cheese tasting because I love cheese.
This is the same reason I listen to a lot of uber-conservative Republican radio. Because I want to know what is on the minds of my enemies.
Plus, I won't have to feel bad for eating too many egg rolls because if I suddenly get skinny that's going to be hard to explain.
I'm not sure I have the words to describe that moment but if there's a word that means the exact opposite of "ladylike", that would be a good start.
That raccoon is my goddamn role model. He is the worst and best Patronus ever, and I want to be just like him when I grow up.
I can feel other people's emotions. Their life force, maybe? Something. It's uncomfortable but in a way that's hard to define.
It is an amazing gift to be able to recognize that the things that make you the happiest are so much easier to grasp than you thought.
I am the Wizard of Oz of housewives (in that I am both "Great and Terrible" and because I sometimes hide behind the curtains
So I'm standing there, holding a googly-eyed can of beans as it shakes and loudly farts the birthday song to me in a gas station.
There will be moments when you have to be a grown-up. Those moments are tricks. Do not fall for them.
They should change "like finding a needle in a haystack" to "like finding a pen that works in that drawer filled with pens that don't work.
It's how people fish when they've run completely out of bait, dynamite, and any common sense whatsoever. There
Today an applicant who couldn't pass the typing test blamed it on me for giving her a trick keyboard because the keys weren't in alphabetical order.
Pretend you're good at it." It seemed too simple, but it was all I had so I scrawled the words on my arm and repeated it as a mantra.
I'd convinced myself that girls are like small bears: cute to look at, but far too dangerous to have lunch with.
Everyone is born with extra fingers. God expects you to cut a few off during your journey. Otherwise he wouldn't have made power tools so awesome.
One of the best things you can do as a parent is to realize that your child is nothing like you, and everything like you.
Then I yelled through his door, It's an anniversary gift for you, asshole. Two whole weeks early. FIFTEEN YEARS IS BIG METAL CHICKENS.
If you'd like to quickly round up a whole lot of assholes all in one spot I suggest going to the airport.
That's the good thing about hanging with bloggers. Most of them are kind of fucked up in the same way you are.
I almost never use B.C. and A.D. to describe time periods. I use BKCWC. Before Kirk Cameron Went Crazy. That's how I judge time. *
No really. What exactly did you do today, Jenny? Quantify it for me."
"It's not quantifiable. There aren't even metrics for the shit I do.
"It's not quantifiable. There aren't even metrics for the shit I do.
There is such freedom in being able to celebrate and appreciate the unique moments that recharge you and give you peace and joy.
I've had chronic insomnia for as long as I can remember. These are the things that eventually happen when you're alone at two a.m. often enough. *
I don't have arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders) because fear of spiders is perfectly rational so I refuse to recognize it as a "disorder.
Some days are good, and some days are bad, and some days are the days you get a dead dog in the mail. They can't all be winners.
That's the thing about my father. You never know when he's hiding a giant surprise giraffe head from you.
It (her wedding dress) was the kind of dress that both Scarlett O'Hara and Princess Diana would have deemed 'over the top'.
Have you ever been homesick for someplace that doesn't
actually exist anymore? Someplace that exists only in your
actually exist anymore? Someplace that exists only in your
Mentally ill. It's a phrase that once scared me, but now I wear it like an old jacket, comfortable but ugly.