Astro Teller Quotes

Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.

Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction. (Astro Teller)

Astro Teller Quotes Pictures

Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.
Astro Teller Quotes: Moonshots live in that place between audacious projects and pure science fiction.