Pau Gasol Quotes

All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win.

All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win. (Pau Gasol)

Pau Gasol Quotes Pictures

Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
Pau Gasol Quotes: All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.